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Supporting the National Agricultural Research Policy

The most important contributor to agricultural growth and productivity is the knowledge system underpinning agriculture in Canada.

Following AIC’s national policy conference in July, we released a robust national policy on agricultural research – informed through online stakeholder consultations and input gathered in conference workshops.

“If Canada is to regain its leadership in agricultural research, AIC’s agricultural research policy is a good first step.” – Serge Buy, AIC CEO

We were happy to see that following several articles in different newspapers, magazines and stories in electronic media, the four main national political parties weighed in on the issue and referred to agricultural research in their platforms and/or in various announcements in the last election.   Commitments were made and agricultural research is now at least part of the conversation.

But more remains to be done.

While the policy is a “living document” and will continue to be updated through stakeholder consultations, we have begun discussions with the federal and provincial governments.

You can help in this initiative that will help set Canada on the path to becoming a global leader in agriculture.

Contact us to add your organization’s name to the list of 100 organizations that “have read and support the general principles of the agricultural research policy developed by the Agricultural Institute of Canada.”

Leading Innovation and Sustainability: An Agricultural Research Policy for the 21st Century

Read it here
