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Gender Equality

Monthly Reports

News articles related to gender, often with references to international project work, are prepared by AIC staff for inclusion in each AIC Monthly Report, distributed to members and others.

The topics for the past year are listed below

  • December 2010: Hot Mama’s: Perspectives on Gender and Climate Change in Cancun
    November 2010: Women’s Roundtable Discussion in Brandon, Manitoba
  • October 2010: ITPP Climate Change Task Team Meets on World Food Day; Two Canadian Scientists to Receive Awards at American Society Meetings; notice about 2nd Women in Agriculture/Science Roundtable
  • September 2010: GEM Digest for October 2010
  • July/August 2010: AIC at Concordia University
  • June 2010: AIC Prepares for a New Phase of the ITPP; AIC’s Case Study on GE Mainstreaming Featured at CIDA Brown Bag Lunch
  • May 2010: ITPP Project Snapshot – SRICANSOL II; ITPP Ghana Project Receives Award
  • April 2010: Soil Science Society of Sri Lanka Demonstrates Gender Equality
  • March 2010: Best Practices from our International Partners; Fifteen Years after Beijing
  • February 2010: The Women in Agronomy, Crops, Soils, and Environmental Sciences (WACSES) Committee of the American Society of Agronomy – Crop Science Society of America – Soil Science Society of America (ASA – CSSA – SSSA)
  • January 2010: A New ITPP Project in Nepal; Developments in Gender Equality Mainstreaming (GEM) at AIC