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Media Release: Ag Research Policy Poised to Enhance Canada’s Prospects on International Scene

Ag Community Meets in Ottawa to Develop 21st Century Ag Research Policy

July 14, 2015 – As the Agricultural Institute of Canada’s (AIC) National Policy Conference comes to a close, Canada’s top agricultural researchers and experts from a variety of sectors have identified clear directions for the future of agricultural research in Canada.

“This is not your average eyes-glazing-over national policy,” said Serge Buy, CEO of AIC. “Canada has the potential to regain its leadership on agricultural research issues. Research helps innovation, sustainability, productivity, safety and this in turn supports jobs, exports and our overall economy. That is what this agricultural research policy is all about.”

AIC invited more than 1,000 academics, research groups, and organizations to provide their input on what should be included in a national agricultural research policy. A summarized document will be available on AIC’s website and to members.

“There is a fundamental disconnect between the importance of agricultural research and the perception of that the public has about the need for this research. It’s crucial that we make this reconnection,” said Mr. Buy.

Through a coordinated approach that spanned sectors and included academics from across the country, participants discussed:

  • Scientific discovery and application: balancing pure and applied research
  • Interdisciplinary partnerships, collaboration and cooperation
  • Public-private partnerships

Read the full media release.
