Gender Equality Mainstreaming Digest – September 2017 Issue
Here are the highlights of this month’s Gender Equality Mainstreaming Digest! Click HERE for the full version.

Industrial hemp field near Boissevain, MB, Canada. Photo courtesy of D. Ceplis.
Opportunities and Upcoming Events:
Apply now for an IDRC Research Award 2018 – Now’s your chance to conduct research in a developing country and get hands-on experience in international research management. With an IDRC Research Award 2018, you’ll undertake a paid program of research focused on at least one developing country.
Awards are for 1 year – 11 will be at our head office in Ottawa, Canada, 1 at our regional office for Sub-Saharan Africa in Nairobi, Kenya and 1 at our regional office for Latin America and the Caribbean in Montevideo, Uruguay. The application deadline is September 6, 2017. See if you qualify.
This call is open to Canadians, permanent residents of Canada, and citizens of developing countries pursuing a master’s or a doctoral degree at a recognized university OR who have completed a master’s or a doctoral degree at a recognized university.
Webinar on Food Processing in Manitoba – The Rural Policy Learning Commons at Brandon University’s Rural Development Institute is coordinating a series of webinars.
Tuesday, September 12, 2017 @ 10:00am CST. Speaker: D.r Gillian Richards.
Bringing new products and processes to market are essential for social and economical prosperity. In the food- processing sector, innovation is critical for the maintenance of competitiveness in a global world. As Canada continues to see a decline in food- processing when compared to other countries, the Rural Development Institute what to know more about how innovation occurs in Manitoba. We present the findings regarding major milestones in commercializing, along with characterizing key stakeholders, the barriers overcome, and importance of leadership. The five case studies involved SMEs with a variety of innovations and will be made available to those participating in this webinar.
Webinar on “Transforming Gender Inequality through Inclusive Dairy Value Chain Development” – Tuesday, Sep 26, 9:00 am – 10:00 am, US EDT.
CARE Bangladesh will host a webinar on “Transforming Gender Inequality through Inclusive Dairy Value Chain Development” to share its unique experience and learning from Strengthening Dairy Value Chain Project. The webinar will replicate a Peer Learning Session held at the 2017 Women’s Economic Empowerment Global Learning Forum, aiming to share insights on the status of gender inequality in a dairy-based market system and how an enterprise-led dairy-hub model can make it gender inclusive. The webinar will include participation from the BRAC Dairy, a leading dairy processor in Bangladesh, also SDVC project partner, to share their experience of transforming the core business model. Oxfam Bangladesh will then reflect on their learning on promoting women’s economic leadership from their dairy value chain work in Bangladesh.
Canada announces new scholarship program for ASEAN – Canada is committed to combatting poverty and promoting human rights in Southeast Asia, especially the rights of women, girls and migrants. Canada is working closely with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) to bring the benefits of economic development to the poorest and most marginalized.
Canada will provide $10 million over five years for post-secondary students and mid-career professionals from Southeast Asia to access world-class education in Canada. The Scholarships and Educational Exchanges for Development initiative will provide individuals from ASEAN member states, especially women, the opportunity to apply for short-term studies or research in Canada. Scholarships will be awarded in fields that contribute to ASEAN’s efforts to narrow the development gap and reduce poverty in Southeast Asia, such as climate-smart agriculture, renewable energy, public financial management, and sexual and reproductive health and rights of women and girls.
Gender Summit in North America – Do you want your company to benefit from gender and diversity? It’s been shown that gender diversity has a positive effect on team innovation, relationship building and financial performance.
Plan to attend the Gender Summit on November 6-8, 2017 – Montreal, Canada. The conference theme is EMBRACING PLURALISM AND THRIVING THROUGH DIVERSITY – SHAPING SCIENCE AND INNOVATION.
Why should you participate?
- Develop national, regional and global communities as agents of change.
- Develop evidence-based consensus on the actions needed and the ways of implementing them in specific national or regional contexts.
- Demonstrate positive effects of gender balance and gender diversity in research and innovation process.
- Demonstrate how integrating gender dimension in research and innovation content improves quality of results and outcomes.
- Promote gender aware solutions to societal problems, e.g. urban quality; human adaptation and climate change; food security; transport and mobility.
This Month’s News:
Lana Popham promises to grow agriculture as she assumes ministry in British Columbia – After eight years on the opposition benches, Lana Popham, who has had a long personal history in farming, now finds herself in charge of the very ministry that she has shadowed for almost every year since her election in 2008. As the MLA for Saanich South, she has been appointed as the Minister of Agriculture in the British Columbia provincial government.
Canada’s goals for ‘progressive’ NAFTA include gender equality – Canada will seek to modernize North America’s 23-year-old trade deal to update its labour standards, ease cross-border movements of professionals, cut red tape and open up government procurement. Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland pointed to strong labour safeguards, integrated environmental protections, a new chapter on gender rights to promote gender equality, a chapter dedicated to Indigenous people and reforming the investor-state dispute settlement process to ensure governments can pass regulations in the public interest without facing corporate legal action.
Reports Publications and Resources:
Manual on Integrating Gender Equality from the Green Climate Fund – The Green Climate Fund (GCF) has launched a manual on how to integrate gender equality in GCF projects. We hope this new guide will contribute to strengthening the development of gender-responsive climate change interventions and climate finance. It covers a number of gender mainstreaming tools and methodological approaches, which can be employed in designing projects, including gender analysis, gender assessment and action plans, and gender-responsive results or logical frameworks. These methodologies and tools are applicable to a broad range of climate change mitigation and adaptation initiatives. The manual focuses on the minimum set of tools needed to meet the core requirements of the GCF project cycle.
Global Innovation Exchange – The Global Innovation Exchange connections social entrepreneurs and funders with the funding opportunities and insights they need to make better, faster funding decisions and have more impact.
The Exchange was co-created with over 100 international organizations from across government, business, academia and civil society who wanted to help tackle the following challenges together:
- How do we ensure the best ideas are getting the right resources?
- How do we ensure that anyone with a good idea can contribute to international development?
- How do we make it easier to access the resources available?
- How can we better connect the supply of solutions with the actual demand for them?
- How can we reduce the duplication of innovations in development?
- How do we rapidly expand the most successful innovations and bring them around the world?
The Gender Equality Mainstreaming (GEM) Working Group of the Agricultural Institute of Canada gathers information and articles on an ongoing basis on gender equality mainstreaming within agriculture, scientific research, rural development, climate change, organizational development and international development. The views and opinions presented are not necessarily representative of AIC.
Back issues of the GEM Digest are available here.