Gender Equality Mainstreaming Digest – July 2018 Issue
Here are the highlights of this month’s Gender Equality Mainstreaming Digest! Click HERE for the full version.

A native bumble bee in Manitoba investigates an Amur daylily flower Hemerocallis middendorffii. Photo courtesy of D. Ceplis.
Opportunities and Upcoming Events:
Open Online Course on Gender and Environment – UN CC:Learn has launched a new Open Online Course on Gender and Environment. The different modules deal with diverse topics such as biodiversity, climate change or land degradation and explore their interconnections with gender equality. It’s a self-paced, free of charge course, so you are free to start at any time.
- What are the links between gender equality and environmental sustainability?
- Which global environmental frameworks include gender?
- How can gender-responsive policies and projects support environmental outcomes?
- Discover what you can do to promote gender equality and women’s empowerment in biodiversity, climate change, land degradation, international waters, chemicals and waste.
Advancing Women Conference- East – Whether you are a student studying agriculture at a university or college, producer, rancher, entrepreneur, representative of a grower association or work in corporate agri-business. Network with women from across Canada and gain insight into how you can enhance your family life and your community, fast-track your career and positively impact the agriculture industry.
OCTOBER 15 & 16 2018, Niagara Falls, Ontario, with optional wine tour on October 14.
Women Deliver Conference 2019 – The Women Deliver 2019 Conference will take place 3-6 June 2019 in Vancouver, Canada and will be the world’s largest conference on gender equality and the health, rights and wellbeing of girls and women in the 21st century.
This Month’s News:
The Gender and CEO Wage Gap in the Non-profit Sector – According to the 2017 Canadian nonprofit sector salary and benefits study, women represent 71% of leadership positions in the sector. In terms of salaries, women make 24% less than their male counterparts. In fact, women are paid less than men in the same roles in all levels of charitable organizations except in administrative support roles. While this trend in pay gap is less severe in the charitable and nonprofit sector, there is still a significant story of gender inequality.
Looking more closely, it may not be so surprising that women hold the majority of leadership positions in the sector given the fact that women make up approximately 75% of the charitable and nonprofit sector workforce. However, this points to deeper issues of occupational segregation rooted in traditional gender norms and biases, which heavily factor into the gender wage gap (i.e. the legacy of charitable work as originally unpaid work done by women not otherwise working outside the home).
How to deliver the G7’s ambitious commitments to gender equality and girls’ education – The Charlevoix G7 Summit Communique recognises gender equality as a fundamental human right and as imperative for equitable sustainable growth. It offers an unprecedented commitment to quality education for girls in developing countries, particularly those living in conflict-affected and fragile states. This is a crucial step towards achieving girls’ and women’s empowerment and economic equality. Amid a challenging political backdrop, the Communique’s recognition of adolescent girls is to be applauded.
ODI’s recent research on education, gender and social exclusion suggests seven key actions will be critical to ensuring the effective delivery of the Communique’s goals.
a) Focus on gender-sensitive curricula and real-world skills
b) Tackle age- and gender-based violence in schools
c) Identify what is needed for ‘inclusive’ education
d) Learn the lessons of recent crises to scale education in conflict-affected contexts
e) Invest in evidence-informed programmes designed to accommodate impact evaluations
f) Renew ‘0.7%’ ODA commitments and allocate 10% to education
g) Strengthen accountability mechanisms
Reports Publications and Resources:
Assessing How Agricultural Technologies can Change Gender Dynamics and Food Security Outcomes – The “Assessing How Agricultural Technologies can Change Gender Dynamics and Food Security Outcomes” toolkit introduces a framework that considers the social context of the agricultural technologies and the specific challenges that women and men farmers face in using the technology. It focuses on three areas: time and labor; food availability, access, quality and safety; and income and assets.
The methodology was developed by Cultural Practice, LLC, as a consortium partner of the Integrating Gender and Nutrition within Agricultural Extension Services (INGENAES) project, funded by USAID. The methodology aids practitioners and researchers in assessing whether agricultural technologies they use or will use are gender-responsive and nutrition-sensitive in terms of design, use, and dissemination. The INGENAES technology assessment can be used to improve the design and dissemination of agricultural technologies in ways that increase adoption by men and women farmers.
The toolkit was piloted between 2015 and 2017 in Bangladesh, Zambia, Nepal, and Sierra Leone. It is available for download in 5 parts – Introduction, Part 1: Learn, Part 2: Apply, and Part 3: Share, as well as the various technology profiles.
Recommendations from the Gender Equality Advisory Council for Canada’s G7 Presidency – The Gender Equality Advisory Council for Canada’s G7 Presidency (“the Council”) is mandated to promote a transformative G7 agenda and support Leaders and ministers in ensuring that gender equality and gender-based analysis are integrated across all themes, activities and outcomes of Canada’s G7 Presidency.
The Council carries out its mandate by advising the G7 Presidency and recommending concrete actions for the G7 to advance gender equality and women’s empowerment across all areas of the G7’s work. The Council’s recommendations will be reviewed by the G7 Presidency and G7 consensus will be sought to implement the recommendations and proposed actions.
The Council’s work will be organized by the five priority themes of Canada’s G7 Presidency:
- Investing in growth that works for everyone
- Preparing for jobs of the future
- Advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment
- Working together on climate change, oceans and clean energy
- Building a more peaceful and secure world