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Gender Equality Mainstreaming Digest – February 2017 Issue

Here are the highlights of this month’s Gender Equality Mainstreaming Digest! Click HERE for the full version.

Inuit women's and children's traditional caribou fur clothing from Arctic Canada on display at Winnipeg Art Gallery.  Photo courtesy of D. Ceplis.

Inuit women’s and children’s traditional caribou fur clothing from Arctic Canada on display at Winnipeg Art GalleryPhoto courtesy of D. Ceplis.

Please note: Canada is observing International Development Week from February 5 to 11.  The theme of the 27th annual IDW is “Leave no one behind: Canada contributes to global goals!”.  This puts the spotlight on our collective efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals.


Opportunities and Upcoming Events:

Advancing Women Conference speakers – Each Wednesday, from now until the March 6 & 7, 2017 Calgary conference, the organizers of the Advancing Women conference will upload a new speaker video on their YouTube channel.  Learn from wise, powerful and innovative women in agriculture.  The Advancing Women conference includes four FREE workshops for attendees to dig deeper into a subject, and panel discussions featuring today’s industry leaders and producers.  Conference info is available here.

Women and Youth Empowerment, Entrepreneurship, and Employment in the West Bank and Gaza
 – Global Affairs Canada is testing anew type of call – a call for preliminary proposals.  Under this call, your project idea must contribute to the achievement of the following outcome: Enhanced economic empowerment and increased prosperity for low-income women and/or female and male youth in the West Bank and Gaza.  Your proposal must also include the following intermediate outcome statement: Reduced barriers to entrepreneurship, employment and/or employability faced by women and/or youth, in particular female youth.  Application packages due by February 23, 2017.

Canadian Rural Revitalization Foundation Conference – Call for Submissions – Annual Conference is being held in Nelson, BC, Canada, September 20-23, 2017.  Deadline for abstracts: March 10, 2017.  The Different by Design – Exploring Innovation for Rural Prosperity conference explores the unique potential and many possibilities that exist in rural places.

This Month’s News:

Gone in 2016: 10 Notable Women in Science and Technology – Now in its fourth year, this annual remembrance of notable women in the sciences lost in the past 12 months highlights 10 individuals who made indelible marks on their respective fields.  At a time when scientists in general are too often overlooked for their crucial contributions to society, it bears noting that high-achieving women in the STEM fields often go especially underappreciated.

AWN Chair on creating a network for the development of all women – In 2013 Jen Christie realized there was a gap in the Canadian agriculture sector for women’s professional growth and decided to do something about it by helping found the Ag Women’s Network.  Jen shares about her own career path and lessons she has learned, as well as her hopes for AWN and the future.

Women Scientists Fight Back Against Climate Change Deniers in D.C. – The day after Trump’s inauguration, dozens of female scientists decked out in white lab coats met in front of the National Air and Space Museum for the Women’s March in Washington, DC.  They are part of 500 Women Scientists, a group that debuted the day after the election to fight anti-science and anti-women rhetoric.  Since then, over 12,000 women scientists from around the world have signed on to the group’s open letter.

Reports Publications and Resources:

LandWise: Land Tenure Resource – LandWise empowers users to strengthen women’s land rights around the world through access to relevant and reliable information. LandWise is a free online resource connecting users to legal materials, information about relevant customary practices, and explanatory materials.

Video: Making better shea butter – Shea butter is used a lot in cooking, traditional medicine and cosmetic products.  However traditional extraction of shea butter doesn’t follow required hygiene rules.  This results in unsafe butter that can cause illness in consumers.  In this video, we will learn how women in the South of Mali have improved the production of shea butter..


The Gender Equality Mainstreaming (GEM) Working Group of the Agricultural Institute of Canada gathers information and articles on an ongoing basis on gender quality mainstreaming within agriculture, scientific research, rural development, climate change, organizational development and international development.  The views and opinions presented are not necessarily representative of AIC.

Back issues of the GEM Digest are available here.
