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The 36th Western Canadian Dairy Seminar | University of Alberta

Please join us at the 36th Western Canadian Dairy Seminar in Red Deer, Alberta. The seminar is a place to gather the latest information in dairy production and technology advances. This seminar is designed for people who want to improve their knowledge and decision-making abilities in dairy production and management. Dairy producers, technology transfer specialists, researchers and dairy service and supply representatives will find this seminar extremely valuable. Each year a wide variety of topics are presented ranging from nutrition and reproduction to dairy policy and challenges facing the dairy industry.

The dairy industry looks to this seminar for solutions to emerging issues and for information about recent research results. In addition to the formal program, there is ample opportunity for one-on-one discussions between the speakers and participants and to meet our sponsors at the 75 booth trade show.

The organizers of the Western Canadian Dairy Seminar are proud to serve the dairy industry and look forward to seeing you at the seminar!
