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National Farmers Union (NFU) national convention

This year’s theme: “Agriculture in a changing climate”

Brings together farmers from all across Canada to discuss and learn about the important agricultural issues of the day.  The program includes a series of presentations and panel discussions, elections of national officers, reports from elected officials and caucuses, as well as debate and voting on resolutions which become the NFU’s positions on public policy matters. Special meetings of youth, women and members involved in international co-operation are also included in the convention agenda. The NFU National Convention is the highlight of the organization’s year, both the culmination of the previous year’s work and the starting point for the coming year.  Everyone is welcome to attend NFU Conventions, whether you are a family farm member, associate member, visitor or media. There is no advance registration — daily or full convention fees are payable at the door.

For more info visit the NFU’s conventions web page.
