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GCHERA World Dialogue 2015

The 3rd GCHERA World Dialogue 2015 – Education and Innovation in Agricultural and Life Sciences – will be held at Nanjing Agricultural University on 20 and 21 September with the theme Global Leadership to meet the Challenges of 21stC.

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The theme, Global Leadership to meet the Challenges of the 21st Century, will focus on supporting our universities develop curricula that will provide the leaders who have the skills and the ethical foundation to address the global challenges of 21st C of nutritional security, environmental sustainability and climate change.

This important conference will be a milestone in the development of GCHERA as a Confederation. The outcome of the conference will be an agreed action plan for GCHERA for 2016 to 2020, that will be shared with GCHERA Associations and their member universities.  The Action Plan will serve as a catalyst for positive innovation in curricula in our universities that in turn will help shape the leaders of the 21st C.

For more information contact the Secretariat

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