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An Overview of the Canadian Agricultural Innovation System

Ottawa – Today, the Agricultural Institute of Canada (AIC) is releasing a comprehensive report on the agricultural research and innovation system: where funding is from, how policies are developed, trends, human capital, and dissemination. Some of the key findings include: Agriculture and agri-food generate $113.8 billion and one in every eight jobs in Canada (2.3 […]

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The Hill Times – Agriculture Policy Briefing

This week, the Hill Times published a special policy edition in its weekly paper focused entirely on agriculture. Serge Buy, CEO of AIC, was featured in three articles where he provided comment on a number of issues facing the sector including supply management, potential changes to NAFTA and the impact of rising electricity costs. When […]

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From the lab to the farm: Canada needs to bring ground-breaking agricultural research to those who need it most

July 25, 2016 – Ottawa, Ontario – The Agricultural Institute of Canada (AIC) today released its 2016 Conference Report (the Report) that summarizes the need for the agricultural sector to better disseminate research results to producers, farmers, industry, academia, consumers and among the research community.  A number of findings and recommendations are included in the […]

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Ag researchers calling for ongoing research evolution

The new federal government’s been saying all the right things, but that hasn’t translated into a lot of concrete action yet. By Alex Binkley, The Manitoba Cooperator A new federal government with a new focus has agriculture researchers feeling more hopeful, but they’re still waiting for clear signs research spending will rise. Serge Buy, the […]

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Agricultural Research: Unknowingly Helping Canadians Everyday

Elected officials need to better understand the changing face of agriculture. Dr. Lianne Dwyer in Embassy News A study released in 2013 indicated that canola, grown in Canada, annually contributes $19.3 billion to the Canadian economy.  It was developed in the early 1970’s by Canadian researchers and continues to be improved. That is just one example […]

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Canada can play a leading role meeting future food challenges by renewing and enhancing our effort in agricultural research; AIC Policy

Agricultural research will be the primary source of innovation and productivity enhancements that are needed to meet future challenges in food security and sustainability. Canada can play a leading role by renewing and enhancing our efforts in agricultural research over the next twenty years. This begins with a modern agricultural research policy that leads to […]

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Stakeholders to gather to help develop recommendations for agricultural research dissemination policy framework

In July 2015, the Agricultural Institute of Canada (AIC) brought together agricultural stakeholders from the public and private sectors, as well as academic, government and industry representatives to help develop a national agricultural research policy for the 21st century.  Conference participants also came to broad consensus on the need for a national agricultural research policy […]

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Supporting the National Agricultural Research Policy

The most important contributor to agricultural growth and productivity is the knowledge system underpinning agriculture in Canada. Following AIC’s national policy conference in July, we released a robust national policy on agricultural research – informed through online stakeholder consultations and input gathered in conference workshops. “If Canada is to regain its leadership in agricultural research, AIC’s […]

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Canada trailing in innovation

The Manitoba Co-operator – Governments and industry share responsibility to increase investment in innovation. Canada has fallen behind many of its global competitors when it comes to science-based innovation in its key economic sectors, says a federal advisory panel. The greatest failure has been “in private-sector investment in research and development,” said a new report […]

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The next big step for the Agricultural Institute

The Ontario Farmer – While it took the Agricultural Institute of Canada two years to craft its national agriculture research policy, it now faces at least as daunting a challenge selling it to farm and food industry groups and governments. When asked for reaction to the policy after its release, the general reaction from farm groups […]

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