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AIC’s National Agricultural Research Policy: Next Steps

Last year, the Agricultural Institute of Canada (AIC) released a national agricultural research policy. This was the result of extensive consultation with stakeholders and provides recommendations that are geared towards strengthening Canadian agricultural research.  The final product can be found here.

AIC is now looking to stakeholders to assist in the next two steps: Advocacy and Updating

1) Advocacy – In order to strengthen our advocacy efforts on behalf of the agricultural research community, we are currently building a list of organizations that support the general principles of our policy.

This list is an important tool to demonstrate that this policy is endorsed by stakeholders across the sector.  If you would like to be part of this list let us know!

2) Updating – The policy is a “living document” that will be updated on a regular basis to allow it to evolve and remain relevant to the agriculture sector.  AIC is now collecting feedback for possible changes and updates to the policy from agricultural stakeholders – to be discussed as part of our upcoming conference AIC 2016: Disseminating Agricultural Research.

Click here to access the online survey and contribute your input to the feedback received to date.

Send us your input for changes and updates to the policy by April 1 to ensure your feedback is considered at the conference!

