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AIC 2017 Conference “Agricultural Innovation in a Changing Environment” is less than a month away!

With less than a month to go, now is a perfect time to register for AIC’s 2017 conference in Winnipeg, April 24th-26th.

Things will get underway with our Welcome Reception on April 24th from 5-7pm to get re-acquainted with colleagues and peers in the Delta Ballroom of the Delta Hotel, 350 St. Mary’s Avenue, Winnipeg.

The following two days will bring a fantastic lineup of expert speakers who will deliver Discovery Talks and Forum presentations in three thematic areas:

  • Transforming Challenges into Opportunities: How can innovation minimize agriculture’s contribution to climate change?
  • Building the Future on our Strengths: What support is available to advance Canada’s agricultural clean technologies?
  • Shaping our Path Forward: How can we ensure the adoption of environmentally sustainable innovations?

But don’t just take our work for it – check out the online conference agenda here to view the full list of speakers and click here to register.

Speaker Showcase – Tuesday April 25th 

We are pleased to share with you the speakers that will be joining two dynamic panels tackling agricultural innovation and climate change!

Climate change introduces major uncertainties into the planet’s current and future capacity to produce food, feed, fibre, and fuel for the ever-growing population.  As a source of 10-12 percent of the world’s total anthropogenic GHGs, the agriculture sector has a crucial role to play in climate change mitigation efforts.

Joining us to discuss climate change and policy issues affecting the agriculture sector are:

  • Dr. Mario Tenuta – Professor of Applied Soil Ecology at the University of Manitoba
  • Dr. Hank Venema – Planning Director at the Prairie Climate Centre, International Institute for Sustainable Development
  • John Wilkinson – Senior Vice President, Sustainability with GreenField Specialty Alcohols Inc. and former Minister of Research & Innovation and of the Environment with the Government of Ontario

Delivering Discovery Talks that will showcase new and innovative technologies and farm practices that work to adapt and mitigate climate change are:

  • Dr. Steven Frey – Senior Scientist with Aquanty Inc. & Lead Scientist of the Assiniboine River Basin Research Project
  • Dr. Brian McConkey – Research Scientist at the AAFC Swift Current Research and Development Centre
  • Dr. Karin Wittenberg – Dean of the Faculty of Agricultural and Food Sciences, University of Manitoba

Click on each speaker’s name in the Conference Agenda to learn more!

Visit the conference website
