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Changes Coming April 1, 2017 for AIC Weekly Notes Subscriptions

Delivering the latest agriculture news weekly to your inbox

The AIC Weekly Notes have become a popular source of information for the agricultural research and innovation sector, regularly providing news, job postings and events through weekly electronic updates delivered right to your inbox.

AIC compiles articles, photos and events into an easy-to-access format every week. It is distributed to a large group of both members and non-members who have indicated an interest in its content.

AIC Members have told us that they highly value this weekly communication, as they can receive relevant information in one convenient place, rather than searching multiple media outlets and sites. They have also told us that the AIC Weekly Notes often highlights content or issues that they otherwise would not have known about.

Changes coming April 1, 2017

We agree with our members – and want to make the AIC Weekly Notes even better.

As a result, we will be introducing a few changes to this service and also transitioning the AIC Weekly Notes into a member or subscription-based service.

Effective April 1, 2017, we will be augmenting the AIC Weekly Notes with more customized content, analyzing what’s happening on Parliament Hill that is relevant to you and your interests. We’ll also be providing a regular briefing on federal agriculture files.

Subscribe or become an AIC member to continue receiving AIC Weekly Notes

Also effective April 2017, AIC Weekly Notes will only be distributed to those who subscribe to the service.

  • As an AIC member, you will continue receiving the AIC Weekly Notes as an exclusive benefit of your annual membership.
  • Those who are not members but wish to subscribe to the service can do so, at an annual cost of $75 + applicable taxes – or become a member and receive the subscription for free.

AIC is proud to deliver unique services and benefits, like the AIC Weekly Notes, that help generate greater discussion and awareness about agricultural research and innovation.  But they do have to be sustainable for the organization. That’s why we are introducing these changes, while also providing some new features.

We thank everyone who, through membership or other investments, is committed to supporting AIC, our sector, our collective work and the advancement of agricultural research and innovation here in Canada and around the world.

Click HERE to subscribe to the new AIC Weekly Notes.

Click HERE to become a member, and receive your free subscription to AIC Weekly Notes.
