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Each year, experts in agricultural research, top government officials, industry representatives, entrepreneurs and members of the broader scientific community gather at the AIC conference.  This year, the theme, Agricultural Innovation in a Changing Environment, will attract an even wider audience.
Do you offer products and services you would like to make available to the agricultural research sector?  If so this opportunity is not to be missed.  Explore the partnership and exhibiting opportunities below or download the full Partnership Package HERE to get involved with the AIC conference.

Partnership Recognition

Partnership Opportunities:

$750+ tax
Logo on delegate bag yes
Table Top display (includes website and on-site multimedia promotion) yes
Logo and link on conference website “Partnership Recognition” yes yes yes yes yes
Registration for four (4) people yes
Registration for two (2) people yes
Registration for one (1) person yes
Placement of logo on all conference material yes yes yes yes yes
Top placement of company logo on on-site signage yes
Secondary placement of company logo on on-site signage yes
Full page colour advertisement in on-site program (inside front cover) yes
Full page colour advertisement in on-site program yes
Half page (1/2) colour advertisement in on-site program yes
Quarter page (1/4) colour advertisement in on-site program yes
Up to two (2) items inserted in the delegate package yes
One (1) item inserted in the delegate package yes yes yes yes
Online Registration Sign Up Sign Up Sign Up Sign Up Sign Up

Other Partnership Opportunities:

Be the exclusive partner for conference delegate bags, lanyards or one of the following conference events:

  • Welcome Reception – Monday, April 24th, 2017 ($2,000+tax)
  • Lunch – Tuesday, April 25th, 2017 ($1,000+tax)
  • Lanyards ($1,000+tax) – SOLD OUT
  • Breakfast – Wednesday, April 26th, 2017 ($750+tax)
  • Health Breaks – Wednesday, April 26th, 2017 ($500+tax)

Sign Up


Exhibitor Opportunity:

Virtual Exhibitor ($250+tax)
Package Includes:

  • Inclusion in a virtual exhibitor multimedia piece on conference Website
  • On-site multimedia promotional piece
  • One (1) item inserted in the delegate package
  • Name on the conference website under “Partnership Recognition”.

Become a Conference Exhibitor

If you have any questions please contact:

Christine Helm
Event Manager

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General Conference Info

Conference Themes

Draft Agenda
