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Gender Equality Mainstreaming Digest – The March 2016 Issue

Check out this month’s Gender Equality Mainstreaming Digest HERE!

Women’s Day gathering in Tanzania. Photo courtesy of D. Ceplis.

Women’s Day gathering in Tanzania. Photo courtesy of D. Ceplis.


Opportunities and Upcoming Events:

International Women’s Day 2016 – March 08 – is a time to reflect on progress made, to call for change and to celebrate acts of courage and determination by ordinary women who have played an extraordinary role in the history of their countries and communities.  The theme for the United Nations Observance of International Women’s Day 2016 is “Planet 50-50 by 2030: Step it Up for Gender Equality“.

Conference: Migration, gender and agrarian change in the Global South – The International Water Management Institute published a call for papers for a panel session on “Migration, gender and agrarian change in the Global South” at the Royal Geographical Society (RGS) conference from August 31st to September 2nd in London, England.

This Month’s News:

International Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11th – Mark your calendars for next year’s commemoration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science.  This year was the first observance.

Someone on Twitter is writing about male scientists as if they were females – It’s no secret that there’s still a difference between how men and women are perceived in the science world.  Spanish Twitter user Daurmith started writing short biographies of famous historical male scientists as if they were women.  The results are hilarious, and incredibly eye-opening.

Preparing women to be career farmers – As more women join the ranks of primary producers, they still find out there are some challenges working in an industry where they are in the minority.  How can young women best prepare for a career as a farmer?  How can their families help them?  Country Guide asked a variety of experts from backgrounds as varied as the barn and boardroom for their advice on how to get a great start.

Reports Publications and Resources:

Implementing Gender-Based Analysis in Canada’s Public Service – The Office of the Auditor General of Canada conducted an audit between April 2008 and March 2015.  This audit examined whether the selected departments performed adequate gender-based analysis to inform government decisions, and whether Status of Women Canada and the relevant central agencies appropriately supported the implementation of gender-based analysis throughout the federal government.  The audit also examined the government’s progress on 2009 recommendations.

Gender Roles & Equality in Agribusiness – Complete the form to download the market research report from 2015 with survey results from 2199 participants.  View the key findings in the March Issue of the GEM Digest.

Video: Women in STEM – Where’s it STEM from?  There’s a lack of women enrolling in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) post-secondary programs across Canada.  Mount Royal University takes aim at this nation-wide conundrum as a group of innovative faculty and alumnae carve away the stereotypes surrounding women’s roles in computer science, math and tech-start-ups.


The Gender Equality Mainstreaming (GEM) Working Group of the Agricultural Institute of Canada gathers information and articles on an ongoing basis on gender quality mainstreaming within agriculture, scientific research, rural development, climate change, organizational development and international development.  The views and opinions presented are not necessarily representative of AIC.

Back issues of the GEM Digest are available here.
