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Gender Equality Mainstreaming Digest – The February 2016 Issue

Check out this month’s Gender Equality Mainstreaming Digest HERE!


Opportunities and Upcoming Events:

Sharing Best Practices and Lessons Learned for Supporting Women’s Land Rights: A Debate on the Gender Evaluation Criteria (GEC) – From 25 January to 5 February, the Land Portal Foundation will be holding a debate on the Global Land Tool Network’s Gender Evaluation Criteria (GEC).  The discussion will focus on sharing best practices and lessons learned for supporting women’s land rights.



This Month’s News:

Gender research beyond fairy tales: We can still do more and better – Isabel Lambrecht, Associate Research Fellow at IFPRI’s office in Ghana, writes about her choice to investigate gender in agricultural technology adoption.  In this blogpost for Economics that Matters, she shares some surprises from what she has learned asking the question: Do we get higher uptake of agricultural technologies if agricultural extension programs work with only female farmers from a household, only male farmers, or both spouses jointly?

Young Innovators: Student research helps West African farmers – Alexis Adams of Saskatoon enrolled in a soil science master’s program at the University of Saskatchewan and vowed to help by improving local soil fertility.  Now she is studying the impact of micro-dosing, a new fertilizer practice, on soil fertility in the Sahel region of West Africa, which suffered a catastrophic famine in 2012.

The Only Woman in the Room: Why Science is Still a Boys’ Club – The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation [CBC] aired an interview with science graduate and author Eileen Pollard in a January 2016 edition of Quirks and Quarks with host Bob McDonald.  Pollard’s book, “The Only Woman In The Room“, documents her struggles in her quest to become an astrophysicist, and examines the social, interpersonal, and institutional barriers that still confront women today in science, technology, engineering and math.


Reports Publications and Resources:

Access the latest research on Women and Work – Featuring extensive resources and a highly experienced staff of trained librarians, Catalyst’s award-winning information Centre (IC) creates knowledge products and responds to daily requests from members, the media, academics, and the public, as well as Catalyst’s own experts.

Sustainable Development Goals – What are the Sustainable Development Goals and the targets agreed to at the UN?  This link provides a very easy way to review.

Introductory thematic guide to Gender and Climate Change – A guide to the key issues and trends around the linkages between gender and climate change made in policy and action on climate change.  It introduces the ongoing debates and key resources especially with regard to i) climate change impacts and responses, ii) climate policy and finance and iii) women’s leadership and empowerment – a key element of bringing gender equality into the global response to climate change.


The Gender Equality Mainstreaming (GEM) Working Group of the Agricultural Institute of Canada gathers information and articles on an ongoing basis on gender quality mainstreaming within agriculture, scientific research, rural development, climate change, organizational development and international development.  The views and opinions presented are not necessarily representative of AIC.

Back issues of the GEM Digest are available here.
