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AIC Consultation – calling all agresearch stakeholders to contribute input on important issues in agricultural research dissemination

AIC invites all stakeholders involved in, or who make use of agricultural research to contribute their input to the pre-conference consultation!

Access the consultation here.

In July 2015, agricultural researchers and stakeholders gathered in Ottawa to help develop a national agricultural research policy for the 21st century.  Broad consensus among participants identified building strong networks for research dissemination as a key area in the national policy (link) released September 2015.

The policy calls for efficient and accessible mechanisms to disseminate research being conducted and research results, and the collection of data and best practices on the adoption of agricultural innovation.

The objective of this consultation is to gather additional views specifically on the dissemination and utilization of agricultural research results to further inform this area of the national policy.

The input gathered in this consultation will be used to compile the consultation report that will help inform the important conversations taking place at AIC 2016 and will be distributed prior to the conference, being held April 13-14, 2016 in Ottawa.

The consultation closes February 5th, 2016.

Register here by December 31, 2015 and take advantage of our Early Bird discounted rate!

Visit the conference website for more information.
