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Gender Equality Mainstreaming Digest – The November Issue

Check out this month’s Gender Equality Mainstreaming Digest HERE!


Opportunities and Upcoming Events:

Share your views on the Advancement of Women in Agriculture – The Canadian Agricultural Human Resource Council (CAHRC) has launched a survey as part of a three-year project focused on Supporting the Advancement of Women in Agriculture.

Senior Policy Expert on Gender and Food and Nutrition Security – The FAO is looking for a consultant to work on developing a brief on gender and food security and nutrition.

This Month’s News:

Agriculture’s glass ceiling – if gender isn’t a big issue on the farm, why are so many women signing up for women’s organizations and conferences?

More women researchers needed ‘to deliver food security – Policy and business leaders have used a major food conference to highlight the need for more women in the global agriculture sector.

Reports Publications and Resources:

Cultivating Equality: Delivering Just and Sustainable Food Systems in a Changing Climate – how inequality determines diets around the world and shapes the ability of farmers to adapt to climate change.

Video: Women in Science and Engineering – featuring Canada’s NSERC’s Chairs for Women in Science and Engineering describing the importance of mentoring and encouraging more women to build careers in science and engineering.

The Gender Equality Mainstreaming (GEM) Working Group of the Agricultural Institute of Canada gathers information and articles on an ongoing basis on gender quality mainstreaming within agriculture, scientific research, rural development, climate change, organizational development and international development.  The views and opinions presented are not necessarily representative of AIC.
