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Be part of AIC 2016!

As a conference sponsor you will have promotional and networking opportunities for your organization among leaders in the agricultural research community, government representatives, agriculture-related professional bodies, and academic representatives.

AIC is leading a national dialogue on the place of agricultural research to re-establish Canada as a leading developer of innovative and sustainable agricultural practices and technologies for a world facing increasing food challenges.

Be a part of this endeavor and help us make AIC 2016 THE conference for stakeholders in the agricultural sector.

Register as a Conference Sponsor online!


Available Sponsorship Packages:

  • Name and organization logo placement on the AIC conference website
  • Secondary placement of organization logo on plenary session stage backdrops
  • Placement of organization logo on communication regarding the conference (including updates to members)
  • ½ page colour advertisement in conference program
  • Two items inserted into the delegate package
  • Name and organization logo placement on the AIC conference website
  • Placement of organization logo on communication regarding the conference (including updates to members)
  • ½ page colour advertisement in conference program
  • One item inserted into the delegate package


  • Placement of organization logo on communication regarding the conference (including updates to members)
  • Listed acknowledgement on the AIC conference website
  • ¼ colour advertisement in conference program



  • Listed acknowledgement on the AIC conference website and program






Thank you to AIC 2016’s valued sponsors!

Gold Sponsors

Agrium Inc.
Alberta Canola Producers Commission
Canadian Science Publishing
Farming Smarter


Bronze Sponsors

Maple Leaf Foods Inc.

Conference Supporters

The Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs
Synthesis Agri-Food Network


For more information contact:

Bridget Schrempf
Stakeholder Relations Coordinator
613-232-9459 x304
