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Wednesday, April 13

8:00 a.m.
Registration opens

Location: Foyer, Victoria Ballroom, 2nd Floor

9:30 a.m.
Conference opening

Location: Victoria Ballroom North, 2nd Floor

Plenary and welcome from Dr. Lianne Dwyer, AIC Chair

Keynote Speaker 
Dr. Sandra Schillo, Assistant Professor, University of Ottawa

10:15 a.m.
Workshop Theme 1: Dissemination Strategies and Participation Channels for Agricultural Research

Participants choose one of two:
Workshop 1-A: Dissemination Strategies and Policies
Location: Victoria Ballroom North

A scientific breakthrough that could dramatically change how farmers harvest or manufacturers prepare a certain product is discovered in a lab: how do we get this vital information from the research lab to benefit the end user?  This workshop will explore the policy opportunities and latest strategies associated with how researchers transfer and disseminate knowledge.  Learn more

Drew Black, Director of Environment and Science Policy, Canadian Federation of Agriculture

Dr. Andreas Boecker, Associate Professor, University of Guelph

Tracy Herbert, Beef Extension Coordinator, Beef Cattle Research Council

Workshop 1-B Bridging the Gap Between Research and the Public
Location: Victoria Ballroom South
While agriculture research findings may not be discussed at dinner tables across the country, it affects Canadians on a daily basis, whether they know it or not. In our era of instant news, building public trust in research and effectively communicating it to the public has never been more important.  This workshop will discuss how to take complex research findings and effectively communicate them to the public.  Learn more

Gabrielle Bauer, Consultant, Award-winning writer

Mary Ann Binnie, Manager, Nutrition & Food Industry Relations, Canadian Pork Council
12:30 p.m.
Lunch Break

Location: Victoria Ballroom North

Guest Speaker:
The Honourable Terry Mercer, Senator
Deputy Chair of the Senate Committee on Agriculture and Forestry

1:30 p.m.
Workshops in Theme 1 continued
2:30 p.m.
2:45 p.m.
Workshop Theme 2: Knowledge Transfer and Extension

Participants choose one of two:

Workshop 2-A Models of Extension in the 21st Century
Location: Victoria Ballroom North

In recent years, funding priorities for governments and other entities have shifted focus and led to a redefinition of the role of extension services for agricultural research. What used to have only a few players, suddenly has many more. This workshop will examine various extension models and collaborations and what the roles of these new players are in the 21st Century.  Learn more

René Mongeau, President, Ordre des agronomes du Québec (Order of Agrologists of Quebec)

Michael Toombs, Director of the Research and Innovation Branch, Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs and General Manager, Agricultural Research Institute of Ontario

2-B Maximizing Technological Transfer
Location: Victoria Ballroom South

How can we be assured that our findings are being used to their full potential by those who would stand to benefit the most? This workshop will discuss ways that agricultural researchers can better engage end-users in the research and development process in order to have a higher return on investment.  Learn more

Amy Argentino, Manager - Projects and Programs, Canadian Horticultural Council

Dr. Bronwynne Wilton, Consulting Project Lead, Synthesis Agri-Food Network

5:00 p.m.
Networking Reception

Location: Summit Room, 29th Floor

Thursday, April 14

9:30 a.m.
Plenary session

Location: Victoria Ballroom North

10:15 a.m.
Workshop Theme 3– Intellectual Property Protection, Cooperation and Collaboration

Participants choose one of two:

Workshop 3-A IP management in interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral partnerships
Location: Victoria Ballroom North

Intellectual property rights (IPR) add complexity to any partnership, and agricultural research is no different. This workshop will examine the challenges and opportunities that present themselves in agricultural research partnerships, as well as the key issues that need to be addressed before entering into licensing agreements.  Learn more

Lana Culley Director, Business Development, Vineland Research and Innovation Centre

Professor Chidi Oguamanam, Professor, University of Ottawa

Workshop 3-B IP 101
Location: Victoria Ballroom South

Intellectual property rights (IPR) affect nearly every part of the research process – from initial development to sharing results with other researchers.  This workshop will demystify IPR and help you to better understand how the strategic use of patent information and exploitation routes can contribute to greater innovation in the sector.  Presentations will also touch on how the Trans Pacific Partnership’s provisions on IPR may impact agricultural research.  Learn more

Seema Bissoon-Haqqani, Patent Examiner, Canadian Intellectual Property Office

Christine Teixeira, A/Project Coordinator, Examination Practice, Patent Administrative, Policy and International Affairs Division, Canadian Intellectual Property Office

Jonathan Roch, Partner, Patent and Trademark Agent, MBM Intellectual Property Law LLP

Christine Piché, Director of Business Support, National Research Council of Canada (NRC)

Lunch Break

Location: Victoria Ballroom North

1:00 p.m.
Workshops in Theme 3 continued
2:15  p.m.
2:30  p.m.
Closing Plenary Session

Location: Victoria Ballroom North

Look for more speaking announcements on our website in the weeks to come!
