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AIC calls on government to lead on agri-food public trust issue

At today’s appearance in the House of Commons Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food, the Agri-food Innovation Council (AIC) Chief Executive Officer, Serge Buy, called on the federal government to take on a more active leadership role in the pursuit of a greater sense of public trust in agri-food.

Discussing the importance to have effective, clear and transparent scientific and evidence-based communications on agri-food related issues, Mr. Buy stated that “…it is incumbent on the federal government to take a key role in this process.”

AIC is asking that the role and resources of Canada’s Chief Science Advisor be expanded to take on the responsibility of being a trusted voice, for all Canadians, on agri-food issues.

“Canadians are looking for answers and do not know where to turn to for these answers.  This is why the Federal government, should take that leading role,” said Mr. Buy.

Modelled somewhat on the way the offices of the Chief Medical Officers work, an expanded role for the Chief Science Advisor could provide important information to Canadians on key issues such as the safety of products, scientific advances, processing of food, etc.

AIC also called on the government to facilitate the networking and sharing of information through the agri-food sector and incentivize initiatives that would better connect Canadians with the agri-food community.

