Agriculture Research Symposium
The Department of Fisheries and Land Resources Agriculture Production and Research Division, together with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Grenfell Campus – Memorial University, Food First NL and the Newfoundland and Labrador Federation of Agriculture will hold its fourth biennial Agriculture Research Symposium on November 20-22, 2018 in Corner Brook, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Our Food. Our Future. – Growing Opportunities in Agriculture through Innovation and Collaboration will facilitate discussions across a continuum of disciplines relating to agriculture, all of which contribute to building a sustainable, robust food system that will enhance food security in Newfoundland and Labrador.
This three-day symposium is intended for new and existing farmers, students, researchers and extension specialists interested in agri-food production, research and food systems and who want to learn more about becoming a successful farmer, innovative methods and technologies, sustainable intensification, small-scale production, farm diversification, marketing and consumer awareness. Specific themes that will drive the three-day discussion are:
- Innovating the Food System in NL
- Sustainable Northern Agriculture
- Diversifying and Growing Food and Food Products
- The Future of Food – Entrepreneurship and New Farmers
- Marketing and Distribution
The event will provide opportunities to:
- Visit booths throughout a trade show which will display innovative technologies and products designed for both large and small-scale agriculture production;
- Visit and interact with agricultural researchers and extension specialists through hands-on displays;
- Hear from a variety of successful industry and business professionals who have built farm enterprises and successful agribusinesses;
- Network with representatives from community and government programs and initiatives that are contributing to growing the agriculture sector and improving food security in the Province;
- “Pitch” your farm and/or business concept to business development consultants and agriculture commodity specialists and have them mentor you through the conception to commercialization phases; and
- Taste some of the finest locally produced foods and beverages produced right here in Newfoundland and Labrador. This banquet event will highlight top local chefs who use local ingredients and products in their dishes.
For more information, click here.