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Open house at the Quebec City Research and Development Centre

To celebrate its 50th anniversary, along with Canada’s 150th and that of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC), the Quebec City Research and Development Centre invites you to its open house day.

Our research teams have prepared a range of activities to help you learn more about the exciting world of science in agriculture. You will see what our scientists are doing to improve some dairy production techniques and help protect the environment.

You can:

  • Tour our new greenhouses and modern laboratories
  • See and understand high-tech instruments
  • Learn how we continue to improve hay farming for dairy cows
  • Understand the world of agricultural soils and their captivating mix of minerals, microorganisms, fungi and roots
  • Learn about new, environmentally friendly farming practices that benefit our water, air and soil

See you there, whatever the weather!
